Vector in Java

 In Java, a vector is a resizable collection of objects, similar to an array, but with some additional functionality. A vector can grow or shrink dynamically, and can be accessed using an index just like an array.

To use a vector in Java, you first need to import the java.util.Vector package. Then you can create a new vector object using the following syntax:

Vector<Object> vectorName = new Vector<Object>();

Here, Object can be replaced with any data type that you want to store in the vector. For example, if you want to store integers, you can use:

Vector<Integer> intVector = new Vector<Integer>();

To add elements to the vector, you can use the add() method:

intVector.add(1); intVector.add(2); intVector.add(3);

To access an element in the vector, you can use the get() method:

int element = intVector.get(0); // returns the first element (1)

You can also use other methods provided by the Vector class, such as remove(), size(), and contains().

intVector.remove(1); // removes the second element (2) int size = intVector.size(); // returns the size of the vector (2) boolean contains = intVector.contains(3); // returns true if the vector contains the element 3

It is important to note that vectors are synchronized, which means that only one thread can access a vector at a time. If you need a collection that can be accessed by multiple threads concurrently, you can use the java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList class instead.


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